High Acidity Coffee Collection


      Check Out Our Top-Rated High Acidity Coffee Collection Roasted Fresh to Order

      Bright, flavorful, and perfect for people who want to start their day off with a kick, acidity keeps coffee from tasting flat! If you have been looking for citrusy notes, fruity undertones, floral nuances, and a flavorful cup of coffee that will not disappoint, check out this high-acidity coffee collection! Sourced from regions around the world, these coffees are perfect for the selective (and flavor-craving) palette. Roasted in small batches to perfection on the same day that your order ships, these high-acidity coffee beans have a pH ranging from 4.4 - 5.0 for bright, citrusy notes, lingering floral nuances, and loads of rich flavor in every drop! This makes for nothing short of top-rated coffee bliss. 

      Find Out More About High Acidity Coffee

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      So exactly what is high-acidity coffee? Well, on the pH scale, things like lemon juice have a pH of approximately 2.0 while something like milk would have a pH of around 6.0. So, low-acidity coffee will usually have a pH that ranges from 5.2 to 5.7, whereas high-acidity tends to have a pH range from 4.2 to 5.0. 

      Why is High Acid Coffee Good? 

      The acidity in coffee is responsible for an array of chemical processes. Coffee’s acidity Is one of the most important characteristics when it comes to things like bitterness, sweetness, aroma, aftertaste, and the overall flavor of coffee beans. acidity adds a pleasant snap, or, crispness, to a cup of coffee. 

      What makes coffee have high acidity? 

      Coffee beans grown at a high elevation will have bold flavors, citrusy notes, floral notes, and what is described as a brighter acidity. Due to the growth conditions, elevation, and processing methods, these coffees also tend to have higher acidity levels (although, there are some exceptions and high-grown low-acid blends do exist). Light roast coffees also are known for being higher in acidity, whereas darker roast profiles usually offer lower acidity.