Top 3 Ways to Remove Coffee Stains on Teeth

We love coffee. We love tea too, for that matter. But the things we drink can sometimes leave frustrating stains on the enamel of our teeth. While these stains are usually harmless, they're not exactly cute to look at. The good news is that removing coffee stains safely from your teeth is not only possible but can be a fairly easy process.

You would actually be amazed at how many ways there are to whiten your teeth! After all, who doesn't want a pearly white smile? Here, we will cover the top 3 ways to remove coffee stains on your teeth, as well as how to prevent getting coffee stains on your teeth without having to give up your favorite pick-me-up! 

Why Does Coffee Stain Teeth

Coffee contains tannins. Tannins are a special group of astringent or bitter compounds that belong in the polyphenol category. They naturally occur in things like tree bark, fruits, grape peels, legumes, tea leaves, and yes - coffee beans. These astringent tannins can cause discoloration on the enamel of your teeth, which isn't great if you want bright pearly whites. 

How to Prevent Coffee Stains on Teeth

Before we go any further, let's quickly discuss how you can prevent getting coffee stains on your teeth in the first place! After all, if you can keep these stains from happening, you won't have to take time to remove them later. So how can you prevent coffee stains on teeth? 

First of all, consider drinking your coffee through a straw. by simply ensuring that the coffee doesn't linger on your tooth enamel for longer than it has to, you can prevent up to 30% of coffee stains! Also, brushing and flossing your teeth immediately after finishing your coffee for the day is a great way to prevent stains. Not only will this help you have better oral hygiene as a whole, but it will keep coffee stains at bay so you can maintain a whiter smile. 

The Three Best Ways to Get Rid of Coffee Stains on Your Teeth

Okay, so what are the best ways to remove coffee stains from your teeth? Well, here are the top three options to try. Then, we will go over some natural and DIY methods for the removal of coffee stains on your teeth!

Here are the top three most commonly used methods to remove coffee stains on teeth:

  1. Try an abrasive whitening toothpaste 
  2. Use whitening strips 
  3. Look into prescription overnight treatments 

Abrasive Whitening Toothpaste

Most kinds of toothpaste are abrasive in some way. Many types of toothpaste contain diatoms, tiny white abrasive particles that help to remove plaque and keep your teeth clean. Whitening kinds of toothpaste usually also contain abrasives and whitening agents such as hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, silica, or pyrophosphates. These extrinsically remove stains and lighten the color of your teeth. 

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips can be a cheap and easy way to lighten the color of your teeth and remove coffee stains. Many whitening strips implement some type of peroxide gel and can be applied to teeth. Usually, they can be left on anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on their type and strength. 

Prescription Overnight Treatments

If you are really bothered by the color of your tooth enamel, you might want to consider Speaking with your dentist about prescription overnight tooth whitening treatments. Your dentist can tell you the best way to whiten your teeth and maintain your oral health. Plus, your dentist will be able to help you deal with stains on sensitive teeth, veneers, and more! 

Natural Remedies for Coffee Stains on Teeth

Now, let's talk about a few natural ways to remove coffee stains on your teeth. The top three holistic or natural ways to remove coffee stains on your teeth are: 

  • Oil Pulling 
  • Baking Soda Brushing 
  • Fluoride-Free Charcoal Toothpaste

Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling has been used by indigenous people and communities all over the world for thousands of years. The process involves swishing with natural oil, like coconut oil or sesame seed oil, for about 15 minutes. Then, you spit out the oil and brush your teeth with or without toothpaste. 

Oil pulling can even help you remove plaque, stains, and certain types of bad-breath-causing bacteria from your mouth. Many people who suffer from tooth sensitivity report that oil pulling helps to relieve this issue significantly as well. Oil pulling is also effective against certain types of streptococcus bacteria, and may even benefit your immune system! 

Baking Soda Brushing 

Brushing your teeth with baking soda can help to prevent tooth decay and may also remineralizer the enamel of your teeth. Not to mention, baking soda naturally whitens teeth and neutralizes plaque acids. Many types of toothpaste now contain baking soda to help you protect your teeth and care for their enamel. 

Fluoride-Free Charcoal Toothpaste

Charcoal toothpaste that is free of fluoride is another helpful natural way to whiten your teeth and remove stains from coffee and other foods. Charcoal whitens teeth because it is mildly abrasive. It helps to remove tartar and mild stains when brushing. 

Cheapest DIY Way to Get Coffee Stains Off Teeth

One cheap way to remove coffee stains on your teeth without damaging your tooth and enamel is by swishing with hydrogen peroxide and water. First, make sure that you buy the right kind of hydrogen peroxide. You want to get the dilute bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide (this is usually the brown bottle). That way, you won't cause any damage to your mouth.

Next, mix the hydrogen peroxide with a little bit of water. Then, swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds to a minute at a time. If it stings or burns, you can spit it out, brush your teeth with water, and try again in a couple of hours. People with lots of cuts in their mouths may find that this method stings a bit. So, wait until your mouth feels okay before swishing again. 

Do your best not to swallow any of the peroxide and water mixture. After swishing around the hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for up to a minute or until the peroxide stops bubbling, go ahead and spit it out. Hydrogen peroxide can whiten your teeth in just a few days by up to 30%! Plus, it only cost a couple of dollars.  

Some people worry about the safety of swishing with peroxide, but according to many experts, this is a tried and true method with minimal risks if done correctly. You can read more on the safety of hydrogen peroxide swishing from the experts at Healthline by clicking here


Conclusion: Best Ways to Remove Coffee Stains On Teeth

So there you have it! There are plenty of easy and effective ways to remove coffee stains from your teeth. Whether you prefer whitening strips, peroxide, oil pulling, or something else, coffee stains on teeth are very manageable and can be removed with a little bit of repetition and persistence.

Remember to use the methods that work best for you and your comfort levels. Also, feel free to comment below and tell us how you prefer to remove coffee stains on your teeth! In the meantime, you can always shop for absolutely delicious flavored coffee (that is more than worth the extra teeth-brushing trip) right here. Trust us, these mouth-watering coffee flavors are sure to make your taste buds tingle. And, if you really want to avoid the stains, you can always just drink them through a straw!

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