Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter Cup Coffee

Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter Cup Coffee

Long story short, peanut butter is one of the best things out there. It's perfect for warming up and drizzling with ice cream, spreading toast in the morning, mixing in a delicious batch of brownies, or even eating straight from the jar per scoop. However, peanut butter (the natural, pure, not the processed type) also has many health benefits that some of us (including myself) never knew existed. Here are the six health benefits of peanut butter and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Coffee that you didn't know about.



Lose weight with Peanut Butter

You might think I'm totally crazy about this one, but let me tell you, those fats are really good and healthy. Although your mother probably told you all those times that you shouldn't eat too much peanut butter because it is greasy and will make you feel bad, I say otherwise. Load on peanuts!

Peanut Butter Cup Coffee

The high levels of monounsaturated fats found in peanut butter, along with exercise, have been shown to be really effective in helping you lose weight. Furthermore, it is scientifically proven that since peanut butter is quite tasty, it will stick to the diet because what you are eating is delicious and does not taste like typical food.



Peanut Butter Aids Your Glycemic Response

Certain foods, especially processed foods and starchy foods, cause an increase in blood sugar. Blood sugar that is unstable has been linked to obesity and diabetes. But peanut butter, despite its natural sweetness and delicious texture, has a low glycemic index.

Eating peanut butter is one way to consume fat as well as protein and fiber without sending your blood sugar levels to a tailspin.

A small 2018 study, Trusted Sources, showed that even eating one serving (two tablespoons) of peanut butter with one meal stabilized the glycemic effect of a meal that was otherwise high on the glycemic index.


Add good Fats to Your Food

Like avocados, although peanut butter is fatty, it is not the "bad" type of fat found in ice cream or ranch dressing. It is the type of fat your body needs to survive. Long story short, keep eating peanut butter.



Well, while peanut butter alone cannot prevent Alzheimer's disease, it can help people detect whether or not someone has the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. This "peanut butter test" conducted by the Cleveland Clinic in October 2015, asked people to smell peanut butter in different nostrils. If the peanut butter needed to be closer to the left nostril before the patient could smell it, then it was evident that they had the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.


RECIPE FOR Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup COFFEE 

Peanut butter gives coffee a delicious nutty flavor. The healthy fats of coconut oil and peanut butter make this coffee extremely creamy, just as you'll love it. Whether you love International Delight Reese's Peanut Butter Cup coffee creamer or Baileys Peanut Butter Cup of coffee creamer, you are sure to appreciate the rich nutty nuances that these ingredients add.

So how can you replicate the flavor of something like Reese's Peanut Butter Cup coffee creamer from home?

We have you covered! Check out the International Delight Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Creamer / Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Dunkin Doughnuts copy cat recipe! No doubt, this tasty recipe is the bomb and it doesn't have unnecessary additives.


1 cup of hot (organic) black coffee

1 tablespoon of soft peanut butter (sugar-free)

1 teaspoon of coconut oil

3 tablespoons of plant-based milk (I generally use organic soy milk with vanilla flavor)

Maple syrup (honey or coconut sugar) to sweeten


Transfer all ingredients to a high-speed blender. Mix for about 30 seconds and enjoy a good Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Coffee.


Try Low-Calorie Peanut Butter Cup Coffee

Do you love chocolate peanut butter cup coffee but need to skip the calories? Use our flavored chocolate peanut butter cup coffee recipe! Long story short, it gives you intense nutty, creamy, chocolate flavors, without messing up the fat-burning properties of coffee. Coffee drinkers and dieters alike will appreciate this brew! With milk, it doesn't have much fat at all. Without milk, it is less than 2 calories a cup! Just click this link for Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Coffee to blow your mind.


What else to know about peanut butter cup coffee?

There are so many ways to hand craft your own chocolaty nutty coffee from home. For instance, you can add a tablespoon of smooth peanut butter to warm milk with a squirt of Hershey syrup to make delicious coffee creamer. Blend this with 8 ounces of hot coffee, and then add in a cup of ice for a peanut butter cup homemade Frappuccino! Use vanilla or peanut butter Torani Syrup for added sweetness and top with whipped cream. You can also drink this creamy, milky concoction in a mug of coffee for a special morning treat. Just skip the blended ice.

Even though this recipe does have lots of calories, it is still better than a Starbucks Frapp because it has a lower overall amount of calories and loads of vitamin E. Vitamin E comes from nuts or peanut butter a natural form. You can't get it as an additive, it has to be the real deal. Starbucks Frappuccinos do not have the same amount of vitamin E as a spoonful of peanut butter does. 


How else to get these nutty flavors in your coffee cups?

Want more ways to enhance your cup of coffee? Click here to see our peanut butter brews or just type "nut" into the coffee search bar on our homepage for our full selection of rich, nutty coffees!


We want to make your daily grind a special time and brighten your life one sip at a time! What are your favorite peanut butter cup coffee recipes? Comment below to share your tips!

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