Does Coffee Reduce Bloating?

Can Coffee Reduce Bloating? Yes, and Here's Why!

A fairly complex relationship exists between coffee and the gut. In this guide, we will discuss how coffee impacts bloating, the gut, water retention, and more! That way, you can enjoy your coffee and a flat stomach at the same time. 


Does coffee reduce bloating?

Coffee is a natural laxative, stimulating the muscles in your digestive system, and leading to bowel movements. Coffee also contains caffeine, which is a diuretic. Diuretics make you urinate more frequently and can reduce water retention. Between the bowel movements and the urination, coffee can actually reduce bloating. However, there are some other factors to consider and your individual gut health must also be taken into account.


How to drink coffee to get rid of bloating?

If you are feeling bloated, one option is to brew up a strong pot of high-quality, low-acidity coffee. If you wish, you can mix in some soluble fiber with your coffee to enhance the debloating effects of your drink. A cup or two of black coffee may help produce a bowel movement and reduce or eliminate feelings of being bloated. 


How can coffee reduce stomach bloating? 

Coffee can help to reduce bloating in many ways. Not only is it a laxative, but it helps to prevent water retention and improves digestive activity. This can lead to a flatter, more comfortable feeling stomach. 


Coffee is a Natural Laxative

Coffee is a well-known laxative, which can be used to relieve feelings of constipation. Drinking coffee may also promote peristalsis, or, contractions in the large intestine that lead to a bowel movement. So, if you are bloated due to constipation, a strong cup or two of warm coffee can help you produce a bowel movement and provide relief. 


Coffee Helps with Digestion

A slow digestive tract can be caused by many underlying issues. Partially digestive food adds extra material in which bacteria can ferment, producing gas and a feeling of being bloated. In order to properly digest protein, your stomach needs to have enough gastric juice and proper acidity levels. Drinking a small cup of coffee right before or after a meal can help balance the pH levels in your stomach, similarly to how apple cider vinegar or acidic juices do. 


Coffee Produces Diuretic Effects Via Caffeine

Caffeine contains certain chemicals that increase the production of urine. This means that caffeine is a diuretic. If you are feeling bloated due to excess water retention, the caffeine in coffee may lead to an increase in urination, and thus, reduce feelings of bloating or water retention. 


What causes bloating? 

Stomach bloating is an abnormal increase in the girth of your abdomen, usually caused by the buildup of gas. Gas can be produced by an intake of air while eating or drinking or bacteria in your large intestine. If you are producing excessive gas, dietary issues, constipation, and intolerance to dairy could be to blame. 


What if coffee makes you feel bloated?

Coffee that contains milk and sugar may lead to a bloated feeling. Additionally, high-acidity coffee can cause gut issues, a build-up of gas, and a feeling of being bloated. Other dietary factors can impact whether coffee leads to bloating as well. If your coffee is making you feel more bloated instead of less, it might be time to look into your daily coffee habits and gut health. You could try drinking coffee without milk or sugar, or switching to a higher-quality type of low-acid coffee. 


How to drink coffee without feeling bloated? 

If drinking coffee is making you feel gassy or bloated, it may be time to address some underlying issues with your diet and gut health. You probably should also adjust your caffeine routine to help you avoid issues from drinking coffee. 


  • Include protein or fiber with your morning coffee 
  • Drink coffee slowly to avoid swallowing air 
  • Choose a type of coffee that doesn’t make you gassy
  • Drink high-quality coffee instead of the cheap stuff 
  • Have a light meal before drinking your first cup of coffee
  • Try having your coffee with coconut milk or a dairy alternative
  • Consider drinking your coffee black 
  • Switch to a low-acid coffee like a pure Arabica blend 
  • See if decaf coffee makes things better


Coffee and Bloating: The Bottom Line 

The bottom line is that coffee can help produce a bowel movement and may also reduce water retention. However, if drinking coffee makes you feel bloated, you may want to try to switch to a mild or low-acidity coffee such as this one to help avoid gassiness. It may also be wise to consume coffee in tandem with protein or fiber. Adding excessive amounts of sugar or milk to your coffee can also be an issue if you have digestive sensitivities. Taking steps toward having a healthier gut overall is always a good idea. 


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