Coffee Headache Tips: Using Coffee for a Migraine & More!

Let’s Explore the Connection Between Caffeine in Coffee and Headaches!

Caffeine is a fascinating compound. Many people consume caffeine regularly to boost their mood and increase energy. Coffee is one of the most common sources of caffeine for adults in the American diet. However, some fascinating links exist between headaches, caffeine, and coffee.

Did you know that caffeine may help with headaches? Indeed, caffeine is one of the most common compounds used to treat migraine pain in the early stages. However, caffeine withdrawal may also cause a dull headache sensation. Here, we'll go over what to know about coffee, headaches, and more.

Here are Some Things to Know About Caffeine and Headaches

Headaches can be incredibly complex and it may be difficult to pinpoint their cause. If you are experiencing frequent headaches, it is best to consult your doctor. However, even with a CT scan and lab work from a doctor, it can be difficult to figure out what is causing a headache. Here are some things to know about how caffeine and headaches correlate. 

• Caffeine is a Mild Stimulant that can be Easily Absorbed in the Body

Caffeine is a compound that can be easily absorbed in the body. It often will have both short and long-term effects on our systems. The short-term effects of caffeine usually last between 5 and 35 minutes. These effects may include added mental alertness and a boost in physical energy. In some individuals, the effects of caffeine can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. The way that caffeine will be absorbed in the body depends on the individual. 

• Caffeine Really Does Give You a Boost

Caffeine tends to boost the central nervous system and may create a feeling of alertness and mood enhancement. Caffeine can also be used to help you focus. Some studies even suggest that caffeine improves memory.

• Caffeine Narrows the Blood Vessels Surrounding the Brain

Caffeine has an evident impact on the blood vessels that surround the brain. As such, it can have noticeable effects on a headache. Some types of headaches involve the dilation or swelling of blood vessels. With headaches like this, blood vessels expand into the nearby tissues which can trigger pain, AKA a headache. 

Consuming caffeine narrows blood vessels, which can reverse the pain from some headaches. However, a sudden lack of daily caffeine may also trigger a headache. This is because a series of events leads to dilated blood vessels and mild headache pain. 

Can coffee cure a migraine? 

Sipping small amounts of coffee can relieve migraine pain in the early stages. Migraines can be complex and may be caused by an array of issues. However, according to UCLA Health, consuming caffeine can narrow the blood vessels in the brain and may reduce or completely reverse some types of headaches.   

Does coffee cause migraines?

No, in fact, the actual cause of many types of migraines is unknown. It is important to note that migraines are more than just headaches and often are accompanied by a myriad of other neurological symptoms. Some theorize that migraines are triggered by aspartame, and there is a definite correlation between artificial sweeteners like this and headaches. Aspartame and sucralose could be two of the biggest culprits, especially for migraine sufferers.

Coffee Headache Tips & Caffeine Headache Solutions

Here are some ways to consume caffeine in a healthy way that will not give you a headache, and to use caffeine to treat certain types of headaches. That way, you can still drink your coffee without having to worry about headaches. Plus, you will know how to drink coffee to alleviate headaches in some situations. 

Consume No More than 300 MG of Caffeine in 24 Hours

According to the FDA, it is recommended that healthy adults consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day. One cup of coffee can contain anywhere from 60 to 100 mg of caffeine. So, you shouldn't be drinking more than 5 cups of coffee in a 24-hour period. 

Mix Up Your Caffeine Routine to Prevent Headaches

If you regularly consume caffeine in the form of coffee, try to vary the intervals at which you have your cup of Joe. Don't drink the exact same amount of coffee every day at the exact same time. Mixing things up may help prevent dependence on caffeine, which could lead to caffeine headaches. 

Stay Hydrated and Eat a Healthy, Well-Balanced Diet

Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Also, be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, drinking plenty of water and consuming a healthy diet. Being dehydrated or malnourished can lead to all sorts of issues, including headaches. Sometimes, mixing protein powder or taking fiber with your coffee can also be beneficial. 

Can coffee give you a headache? 

If you consume coffee every day at the same time, and then one day don't have any coffee, you may experience a mild headache, also known as a “caffeine withdrawal headache”. This is thought to happen because the caffeine in coffee can narrow blood vessels surrounding the brain. When caffeine is regularly consumed, the body may become dependent on its effects. When caffeine is suddenly withdrawn from the system, enlargement in the blood vessels around the brain may occur, causing pressure to the surrounding nerves, and triggering a headache. 

So, when you skip your coffee, you may experience withdrawal symptoms in the form of a headache caused by certain blood vessels expanding. Drinking coffee should alleviate this headache by narrowing those blood vessels again. However, you will probably want to begin cutting back your daily caffeine intake so that you don't struggle with this issue continuously.  

How to avoid coffee headaches?

If you discover that you are having frequent caffeine withdrawal headaches, try to slowly cut back on coffee over a designated period of time. Then, drink your coffee at periodic intervals in varying patterns so that you do not develop a dependence on caffeine. You could also try switching to decaf coffee intermittently. This website sells some delicious decaf coffees that are just as tasty as their caffeinated counterparts. 



Disclaimer: This article offers general information and discussions about health-related subjects. The information and other content provided in this article, blog, website, or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be regarded, or used as a replacement for, medical advice or treatment. This blog does not constitute healthcare advice. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your healthcare provider.

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