Coffee, Cats, and Cabernet: 5 Surprising Ways to Improve Longevity!

Can coffee aid in longevity? Apparently, coffee, wine, and even owning a cat can make you live longer! 

According to recent studies on mortality, drinking coffee may increase your longevity and decrease mortality risk. In fact, people who drink one to four cups of coffee a day regularly, regardless of whether it was regular coffee or decaffeinated coffee, had a lowered risk of death, especially mortality risk associated with cardiovascular issues. 

Drinking quality coffee  may help reduce instances of heart disease, respiratory issues, stroke, diabetes, and more. This may be in part, due to the fact that coffee has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is also good for helping you maintain a healthy weight.

But coffee isn't the only strange thing that may increase your longevity. Owning a cat, having a glass of red wine occasionally, and even Tabasco sauce may be surprisingly good for your health! Here are a few interesting and unlikely things that studies show could increase your longevity. 

1. Spicy Food

Interestingly enough, a 2004 to 2008 Harvard study found that people who ate spicy foods had better longevity overall. This may be because bioactive ingredients in spicy foods, like capsaicin, seem to lower bad cholesterol and improve inflammation issues. Capacitation is found in various spicy foods including Cayenne pepper, sriracha, habanero chilies, jalapenos, and even tabasco. 

2. Red Wine

At last, an excuse for that glass of wine at the end of the day. People who drink no more than two glasses of wine a day but a minimum of one glass of wine per week had a lower mortality rate compared to those who never consumed red wine.

Specifically, red wine is said to help improve circulation and heart health because of its resveratrol content.  Resveratrol Is a beneficial compound that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the body from various diseases. However, if you want to skip the wine, you can have a weekly glass of grape juice for similar benefits!

3. Owning a Cat 

Ever thought about getting a cat? Well, cats may help you live longer! Apparently, cat ownership can help reduce stress, provide you with companionship, boost cardiovascular health, and may even offer healing powers.

Neurologist Adnan Qureshi, conducted a 20-year study that found cat owners to have a lower risk of stroke and heart attack than non-cat owners. In fact, cat owners had a 40% reduction in risk from these issues overall!

Additionally, the purr of a cat has a vibrational range between 20 and 140 hz. This vibrational range is known to be medically therapeutic and lower stress. The sound has also been associated with things like lower blood pressure, faster healing, and reduced inflammation. Moreover, vibrational features ranging from 25 Hertz to 45 hertz may help promote bone strength. So, get a cat, and make it happy, it could change (or extend) your life!

4. Kale 

Kale has high concentrations of antioxidants, plant compounds, and vitamin C. As such, kale is a useful food if you want to combat chronic diseases, promote longevity, and slow the aging process. 

5. Coffee

Last but not least, coffee can help improve longevity. In particular, ground caffeinated coffee. However, decaf seems to be helpful as well. According to studies, a moderate intake, Of coffee, between 2:00 to 5 cups a day, can lower instances of cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of developing diabetes, and more. 

Not only is the caffeine in coffee helpful for maintaining a healthy weight, but the antioxidants in coffee can be good for the body overall. In addition to this, coffee can help improve energy levels which may be useful in getting more daily exercise, increasing mobility, and promoting a healthier cardiovascular state. 

With that being said, it is best to consume black coffee without added sugar or dairy products. Organic coffee may also be a good choice since it is free of pesticides and unnecessary additives. To browse an impressive selection of some of the best top quality fresh roasted natural organic arabica coffee on the market, follow this link to 



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