Coffee Lover Health Tips: How much coffee is too much?

Wondering How Much Coffee Daily is Healthy? We'll Go Over What to Know for Healthier Coffee Consumption Right Here!

Around here, we love coffee. The aroma, the subtle nuances of fresh-roasted coffee beans, and of course, the boost of caffeine to get going in the morning. But is there really such a thing as TOO MUCH coffee?

Obviously, everything in life must be kept in balance and you can always have too much of a good thing, but what about with coffee? Exactly how much coffee is too much and how do you drink coffee in a balanced and mindful way for the ultimate health benefits?

How much coffee a day is good for you?

The short answer is that most healthy adults can consume about four 8-oz cups of brewed coffee daily without encountering any significant risks. That's about one pot of coffee shared between two people. According to the FDA, approximately 400 mg of caffeine from coffee is a safe and reasonable daily amount.  

With that being said, there are many factors to take into consideration like drinking decaf coffee or whether you are also consuming espresso. Here, we will cover everything you need to know about consuming your coffee in the healthiest possible way! 

Does coffee really have health benefits?

Oh yes. In fact, we have an entire article about the health benefits of drinking coffee, just click here to read it. According to Healthline, coffee can:

  • Boost your energy levels
  • Support brain health
  • Promote healthy weight management

Coffee may also: 

  • Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Lower your risk of depression
  • Protect against liver conditions
  • Support heart health
  • Increase longevity

New Studies Show that Coffee May Aid in Weight Loss

According to some studies, coffee may also be able to help those who are attempting to lose weight. While the metabolic impacts of coffee will require more research, coffee is known to stimulate bowel movements and help with digestion. This can have an impact on reducing the calories that your body absorbs.

The caffeine in coffee may also have an appetite-suppressing effect. These factors can help those who are looking to shed a few pounds. Moreover, since coffee contains caffeine, after drinking it, you may have more energy, and thus, move more. The more you move your body, the more calories you can burn. 

Can coffee improve a workout?

Definitely, it can! Coffee can be used to improve your performance before and during exercise. The caffeine in coffee can be used to give you an energy boost, leading to longer, more productive, and overall better workout sessions with less lingering fatigue after.  

Although caffeine is known to have some diuretic effects, these effects are negligible provided that you are healthy and hydrated. Especially, when compared to certain energy drinks and some pre-workout beverages. Just be sure to eat small meals before and after working out and stay hydrated in general. 

How to drink coffee and still be healthy?

So, is there a healthy way to drink coffee? Sure! You just need to drink a reasonable amount of coffee each day. Drinking about one to four cups is no problem. It’s smart to eat something healthy before you drink your coffee as well.

If you are drinking caffeinated coffee, try to stick with half a pot or less. Between 300 and 400 mg of caffeine every day is a good limit to try and adhere to. That way, you can keep a good balance while still getting that caffeine boost.  

Is decaf healthy? 

Decaf is a great alternative to fully caffeinated coffee! If you are drinking decaf, you can still reap many of the benefits of coffee (antioxidants, minerals, digestive benefits, etc.) without the caffeine!  

Can everyone drink coffee? What if you have health risks or are pregnant? 

If you have any health conditions or concerns, always talk to your primary physician or holistic health coach before drinking a bunch of coffee. The same goes for women who are pregnant or nursing; talk to your obstetrician or midwife so you know how much caffeine is safe for the baby. 

FAQs on Coffee Consumption

Now, let's go over a few frequently asked questions about coffee consumption and how much coffee is good for you. We'll discuss how coffee impacts heart health, whether it can raise your blood pressure, and more. That way, you can tailor your caffeine routine to specifically meet your individual needs! 

Can you drink coffee for heart health? 

Interestingly enough, drinking one or two cups of coffee a day might actually help to ward off heart problems. A recent study published by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology indicated that people who drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who avoided drinking coffee. 

Does drinking coffee raise blood pressure?

Actually, according to American Heart Association News, some studies suggest that coffee can lower the risk of developing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, for people who do not already suffer from this condition. However, drinking too much coffee can lead to a rise in blood pressure, heart palpitations, sleeping problems, and anxiety. So, enjoy your coffee, just don’t overdo it!

How much caffeine daily is safe? 

For healthy adults, it is safe to consume up to 400 mg of caffeine each day. As with anything, consider your unique sensitivities, preferences, and physical condition before consuming caffeine. 

Is coffee safe to drink? 

Yes, coffee is safe to consume for most people and also offers various potential health benefits. Mild and moderate coffee consumption is safe and may even be linked with a lower likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, liver endometrial cancers, heart disease, and Parkinson's disease. 

Can coffee make you nauseous?

Sometimes, yes. It depends on your situation and unique sensitivities to caffeine. Coffee contains the stimulant caffeine, which can cause nausea in some individuals. Especially if they consume caffeinated coffee on an empty stomach. 

Not only this but consuming coffee on an empty stomach may cause dehydration. So, eat something light, preferably with protein and plenty of fiber, before drinking your coffee to prevent nausea if you are sensitive to caffeine. Or, consider drinking decaf! There are some amazing flavored decaf coffees sold online here

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